Example 1- An electrician comes to our home to fix a problem regarding electrical appliances. He comes with the toolkit to repair the fault.
Example 2- When a car is designed for a car assembly the designer and carmaker make an excellent car with their tools.
Now if we compare and understand from the above two examples; we can understand that if we want to repair something of the existing one or to create something new we need tools.
Tools play a vital role in daily life. Tools make the device more compatible, reliable, help to change creativity into reality.
Similarly, In the world of internet, you have a business and to improve that your must-have tools. Well if you have an existing business (Compare with example 1) you have to “repair” it with the tools. As the trend of marketing is changing, people are moving from traditional to digital marketing. Every business should have a website. The best one is marketers get aware of that. So, they make their own website of their business.
If I particularly talk about the new startups which are entering into the market. They come with the Website and mobile app (Compare with example 2). So, they “assemble” their business according to market requirement. Which is absolutely great.
Nowadays, everyone wants to make a website for their business. The website is an asset for a business. So to enrich that website, you must have some tools.
Google gives you several Free Tools which helps to bring your website useful to your business. A useful website means a lot in digital marketing. Website rank in a top of the first page, Ads on the websites for revenue generation, Website landing experience, SEO, SEM etc. These are the aspect of consideration while working on a website
For all kind of information which you to know about your website, Google gives you in one click. Google made some tools which help you to analyze your website which help you to improve the performance. The tools are so effective while decision making. It gives you all the information to bring the website up.
Tools help to make a strategic analysis. In traditional marketing, if you have to do marketing research, you have to visit the place to place to know the trend, audience reach, were from the people come from, their age, demographics etc. A Google tool gives you all the information in graphical format. Which easy to simplify and understand.

List of Google Tools-
1. Google Ads
2. Google Analytics
3. Google AdSense
4. Google Keyword Planner
5. Google Blogger
6. Google Blog search
7. Google Books
8. Google Alters
9. Google Chrome
10. Google Search Console
11. Google insights
12. Google Docs
13. Google Trends
14. Google Gadgets
15. Google Double click Ad planner
16. Gmail
17. Google +1 Button
18. Google+
19. Google Places
20. Google Reader
21. Google Translate
22. Google Drive
23. Google Voice
24. Google Calendar
25. YouTube