Google Analytics: Tool to Monitor a Website

dhiraj bhalerao blog
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Analyze! The word itself has wide meaning instead of explaining it. We analyze every aspect of the business. Right from raw material handling to the final product we analyze cost, demand, reach to the target audience, supply, share etc. In daily life, there are several examples where we can analyze the performance of a kind. School analyzes the performance of a student by giving them an assignment test although they analyze the performance of his/her behaviour and attendance also. Similarly, the website is also a digital asset for a company. Analyzing your website gives the idea of improvement and also helps to maintain the good performance of the website. So to analyze and monitor a web tool which is called Google analytics.

Google Analytics is the tool which gives you the total analysis of your website in graphical form. I want to monitor our website using Google analytics we have to insert the javascript code (Tracking code) to our website.

How to generate Tracking Id-

Step 1- Go to Choose Analytics.

Step 2- Sign in with Gmail account. If you have an account just sign in with the password if not create an account on Gmail. I recommend you to create a separate account for your business.

Step 3- Click on sign up button.

Step 4- There are two options for one is a website and another one is a mobile app. By default website option were selected. But if you have a mobile app and you have to analyze that; choose accordingly. Remember both have a different parameter to analyze.

Step 5- Fill the required information.

  • Account Name- It may be your Company or Organization name.
  • Website Name- Domain name of your website.
  • Website URL- URL of the website.
  • Industry type- It will help you to analyze the data from similar businesses. It will help you to compare your website with the other similar kind of website.
  • Reporting Time Zone- Select the prefer Country with Time.

Step 6- Next is the data-sharing setting. Choose to prefer options according to your preferences by clicking on CheckBox.

Step 7- Click on Get tracking Id. A pop-up box will appear of google terms of services; accept it. In this way, your tracking Id will generate.

Google Analytics gives the information about how many users visit your site, which device they using, how much time they spend on your website, what is bounce rate, how much time spent per session and many more.

In traditional marketing, it is quite difficult to analyze the behaviour of the customer. But in online marketing, you can able to track the behaviour of the customer. It will help you to reach the new and existing customer. Google Analytics is a free tool and effective also. It is a widely used tool to analyze a website.