
Weddings Cards

LAST your memories in a SMART way

'We are changing'- sending the wedding cards by Post, in mail, PDF & images etc. Now introducing 'just a link'. Yes, share your wedding card with the website link of the spouse and groom or any combination of the name.

For the digital wedding card just share your details like important names, destination, time & date, etc. Then just sit back within a day* your website will be ready to share.

Interesting! right? choose your plan now and 'LAST your memories in a SMART way'👍



  • Customise Domain
  • Free Hosting
  • Gallery integration
  • Map Integration
  • Pre-Wedding gallery
  • Share Option
  • Social Media Sharing



(All included in Smart Plan)With,

  • QR Code Scan
  • Wedding photo Integration
  • Wedding Video Integration
  • WhatsApp Chat Integration
  • Contact form Integration


For Queries and Booking. Let's have a 'chat par charcha'